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Wellhead SCADA Services

Max-well can supply advantage Wellhead SCADA Services on -
1. Following up customer requirements, collect basic environmental data, including and may not limited on flowing pressure, shut in pressure, flowing temperature, shut in temperature, annulus pressure, etc. for single and/or multiple wells to monitor the casing complex conditions and analyze the leaking liquid/gas components.
2. Base on the analysis of components to confirm the downhole leaking points and recommand the applicable troubleshooting solutions.


Shenzhen Max-well Oilfield Services Ltd. is one of the most recognized private services companies focus on oil and gas field services in China
In the past 10 years, Max-well has been promoted to be one of the most recognized independent perfessional oilfield services companies in China
Supported by headquarter in Shenzhen, Max-well hold subsidiaries of Shekou and Hong Kong branch. The company also built facilities in Tanggu and Huizhou